We reached our 2024 minimum goals!!

Contributions are still welcome and needed


Contribute $5.00 - $150.00

to help fund our remaining needs

We are looking for support in two areas of our 2024 festival budget. To help us feed our festival performers and volunteers and to help us fund advertising to ensure we are able to spread the word about our festival and connect with an incredible audience for the inaugural year. We appreciate any contributions made to support our first SAVI FEST.

It would blow our minds if we reached our cactus goals below by February 1st!



$5 - $50

  • Funding: Food and drink costs

Make a donation between $5 and $50.00, our Pink (Food and Drink Contribution) level and you will find your gift contributing to the care, feeding, and refreshment of local luminaries and visiting visionaries as they stay satiated with sustenance throughout the fest. You can make a simple one time contribution or submit your donation as a sponsorship and include your or your business on our website and in social shout outs as a Pink donor.



$51 - $150

Contributions between $51 and up assist in funding:  Marketing, Promotions, Advertising and Printing Costs

Jump in on the Teal level and help SAVI FEST get the word out! There is a great deal of cost and effort that goes into marketing and promotion to make a festival truly successful, and you can help us beat the drum! Each contribution on this level helps our whispers of a great festival become a shou. You can make a simple one time contribution or submit your donation as a sponsorship and include you or your business on our website, in social shout outs and a thank you in our program as a teal donor.

Info About Donation Payment

Why is my payment going to Improv Utopia?

Improv Utopia is our fiscal nonprofit sponsor this year. As such, they are facilitating our payment systems.